
Did you really think it was that easy to become a streaming moderator ?

 In Banhammer, you are given the keys to the moderator's control command. Try to keep control of the chat by muting bad comments and use the powers available as a mod to successfully lead a good quality chat!

Why should I play?

Well, if you manage to keep control of the chat for 5 minutes, you passed the test! You will then receive the prestigious Moderator Certificate, a must-have to show you are serious business when applying for a mod job to your favorite streamer.


This game was made as part of the GMTK Game Jam 2020. The theme was Out of Control. Well, the more the hype grows in your chat, the worse it will be for you to maintain a good chat quality. It can comes at any time, in any strength. Watch out.

Chat rules

In case you do not really know what comments you should mute, here are the common chat rules :

  • No spam ( ex: GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO)
  • No full caps (ex: HEY NOTICE ME IM A BIG MESSAGE)
  • No insults (ex: you idiot) (well, I did not want to put real insults in my game)
  • No promotion (ex: watch my channel
  • No spoilers (ex: Snape kills Dumbledore in Harry Potter!)
  • No backseat (ex: You should do that to increase your stamina!)

Special thanks

  • My friend Frovik who participated in the gamejam as well (he was 6s late for submission, go comfort him and take a look at his RTS/meme game :
  • My friends Firobe, Serkesh and Folobort who helped me playtesting the game (thank you so much for your precious feedback!)
  • My gf for being  so supportive throughout the gamejam (thank you <3)
  • You for playing (cliché but hey, that's true)
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Survival
Made withUnity
Tags2D, banhammer, Funny, Pixel Art, simulator, Singleplayer, solo


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just white blocks as text. 0/10


A lot of the time the chat messages aren't loading and appear as white blocks. Which, uh.. kinda make the game impossible to play.

I still have no idea why some people have this problem to this day... I don't see those rectangles when playtesting through Unity and even on this page on the published game. If you (or anyone reading this) has an idea, that'd be really helpful :)

yeah this was happening to me too



Very cool-looking and fun! :PogChamp:


Very good.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hard but satisfying to be part of the Twitch Elite(tm) :Kappa: